Test the application
Browsing to the web application
Create a Dockerfile
Create Docker images
Run a containerized application
Setup environment variables
Run several containers with Docker compose
Push images to Azure Container Registry
Setup CI Pipeline to Push Images
Tunnel into the Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
Deploy a service using the Kubernetes management dashboard
Deploy a service using kubectl
Deploy a service using a Helm chart
Initialize database with a Kubernetes Job
Test the application in a browser
Configure Continuous Delivery to the Kubernetes Cluster
Review Azure Monitor for Containers
Increase service instances from the Kubernetes dashboard
Increase service instances beyond available resources
Restart containers and test HA
Scale a service without port constraints
Update an external service to support dynamic discovery with a load balancer
Adjust CPU constraints to improve scale
Perform a rolling update
Configure Kubernetes Ingress
Introdução aos aplicativos nativos de nuvem e implantações em contêineres
Configurar o Registro de Contêiner do Azure para implantações de aplicativo de contêiner
Configurar a implantação contínua para aplicativos de contêineres
Dimensionar e gerenciar aplicativos de contêiner implantados
Laboratório: implantar e gerenciar um aplicativo de contêiner usando os Aplicativos de Contêiner do Azure